About that video...

by ~JM~, Saturday, January 30, 2016, 10:00 (3159 days ago) @ Big Six

I have watched that video a few times & there are a few actions that seem strange to me.

When the white truck hits the snow bank an agent leaves the safety of cover & runs in front of the truck. That doesn't seem very smart.

When Finicum leaves the truck he clearly has his hands in the air & walks away from the cover of the truck. I would think that if he had intended to shoot, he would have had his weapon at the ready prior to exiting the truck.

There are some narrated versions of the video that make the claim that Finicum was not reaching for a weapon when his hands went down to his mid-section, but was in response to being shot twice. The quality of the video is not clear enough for me to determine if there is any validity to this claim.


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