Any Thoughts On What's Happening In Oregon?

by D. Sikes, Friday, January 29, 2016, 13:52 (3160 days ago) @ ~JM~

The main difference between them and other civil disobedience actions is that they are "occupying" with arms and stating that they will answer force with force... not the same as unarmed protests...

The whole thing is another form of "Range war" that has been going on since the 1800's... just from a different group and point of view... I believe that quite a few of the protesters there are not there for the proposed cause but just to be able to wave their guns at the government and say "na na na na"... sometimes such advocates are more of a harm to us responsible gun owners than I'd care to associate with... all I see is a bunch of adolescent school yard children throwing a tantrum and waving sticks in the air...

To say they don't want a armed confrontation is down right idiocy... of course they do... they want to martyr themselves... they quote Ruby Ridge and Waco... but do they say anything about Wounded Knee?... of course not... cause it doesn't fit their agenda...

As far as I'm concerned... stupid is as stupid does.

Well that's my opinion... and I'll get yelled at for what some will call my "liberal" leanings... such as it is... I don't give a flying whatever any more... I'm too old and tired to care what folks think of me...

So there it is... fire away...

Don the Curmudgeon

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