Surprised it took this long for someone to get dead.

by ERSiskl, Friday, January 29, 2016, 20:06 (3160 days ago) @ Sarge

Over/Under reaction to a situation. Several hundred rioters and looters in an urban setting (pick one) and we don't want to offend them by sending in the police/National guard. But a few dozen dudes in cowboy hats with guns occupying an empty building in the winter and we send in the federal troops. Looking at the video, narrator says the gun was still in his pocket and it appears the victim has is turning his back when shot down. If this were a civilian shooting scenario on film the shooter would be in jail facing charges. He probably couldn't get his gun out of his pocket with no holster and heavy winter gloves on. Now if that 9 had been in a Simply Rugged holster he could have drawn and deserve shooting.

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