Dream rifle on the way!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, January 18, 2016, 10:31 (3171 days ago)

I have long wanted an 1873 Winchester with the longer octagon barrel in .45 Colt. I e seen a few, but either didn't have the money to spare or they weren't in the right caliber. Well, last night I bid on and bought some key's former race gun I really hope that means it isn't beat to hell, but I guess we'll see! I say a da e gun because it has a short stroke kit installed. When I quit CAS several years back I was shooting an 1860 Henry with full .45 black powder loads. The short stroke kits were a new thing at that time, so I don't have any experience with them. I'm imagining this one will have a slicked up action and trigger too. It's got some boogers on the stock, so I'll probably end up stripping and refinishing them eventually. It's also got open homes for a gang sight so I'll be on the search for a fitting replacement as well. I look at classifieds and auctions on a daily basis, but this is the most excited I've been about a gun purchase in a long time!

Here's a pic from the auction page, and yes the butt cover will be goin away ASAP!



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