yours is probably......

by Ray L., Thursday, August 06, 2015, 17:52 (3337 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

the correct plan could have turned ugly for me if the store manager had falsely accused me of any threats, brandishing, menacing, etc......but oh the look of surprise on his face and the profound change in his demeanor is a memory i will always cherish....the sight of not just one but four handguns really let the hot air out of him and his complexion took on that grey/green pallor of tequila-sangria mix hangover.....he perked back up at the sight of the deputy but was confounded again when i wasn't arrested......deputy did not think it odd at all to be carrying 4 concealed handguns......we joked about the logic of 4 pockets = 4 guns.....

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