was in a store with signs....

by Ray L., Thursday, August 06, 2015, 16:14 (3337 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

in the wee hours to pick up something automotive or maybe lawn and garden when cell phone rang.... the security folks upstairs must have seen me put the phone away and assumed i had pocketed merchandise....

long story short, the manager met me at door and asked me to accompany him to his office where i was asked to empty my pockets..... "here hold my hat and hold it good with both hands" was what i said...... the look on his face was priceless as they say as i placed in the hat wallet, keys, flashlight, folding knife, cell phone then one n.a.a. mini five-gun followed by it's twin followed by a keltec .32 followed by a taurus .32 mag. six-gun ..... no purloined merchandise of course.....

i got a nervous, mumbled semi-apology and the beginnings of a reminder/censure of the door signs when there was a light rapping at the door and a deputy came in with cuffs in hand...... the manager explained false alarm and pointed to my hat on desk....deputy asked if i had a c.c.w. permit and after i answered the affirmative, i was let go and escorted out awkwardly carrying my heavy hat in front of me..... when the manger wished us a good morning and walked out of earshot, the deputy said: "cannot stand that g----r smoocher !" but using a lewder, more commonly used expression......

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