Ignore those damn signs

by Catoosa, Thursday, August 06, 2015, 15:56 (3337 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Unless I'm going to get wanded I typically do ignore them. If they are checking people at the entrance, I seriously consider whether or not I really need to go in there.

At the Alan Jackson concert during the NRA convention, they were wanding people at the door of the "Bridgestone Arena". I have been in that place any number of times before and they had never done that before. I very openly accused the $#!+head security honcho of doing it only because most of the concertgoers were NRA members. He wouldn't disagree with me, but kept saying that they had been instructed to wand everybody and that no weapons were allowed inside, not even a Leatherman tool.

I finally just walked through the checkpoint and the minion with the wand waved it in my direction from about three feet away. I didn't stop, the wand didn't buzz, nobody said anything, and I didn't look back.

I wasn't carrying anything that would have set the wand off anyway, but it was good for a chuckle.:-D

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