Been There.

by JLF @, Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:24 (4558 days ago) @ Otony

I can only speak for myself, but I had the full-monte walnut cracking, and I had more pain and recovery time when I had my tonsils taken out. I was cracked on a Tuesday morning, and kicked out of the hospital on Friday afternoon. I was back on the job Monday morning, slow and tender, but up and going. It's easy-does-it for about a month, no bunjee-jumping, or shoulder-firing large caliber rifles, and then about all you got left is that big hurking scar to show off, and some new wire to set off metal detectors.

It's silly to call getting your innards tinkered with "routine", but I have to say that in my case, the drizzles I gave myself beforehand were worse than the actual proceedure. Modern medicine is pretty amazing stuff.

Then there are those who say I simply don't have sense enough to realize how serious it is...


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