Gentlemen, may I ask for some prayers?

by Otony, Monday, April 09, 2012, 13:58 (4559 days ago)

Been struggling with cholesterol issues for quite some time, and have adverse reactions to conventional medicines.

I went to a Lipid Clinic a month or so back, and found a good combination of meds and vitamins that allow me to tolerate Crestor. Alas, it may be too little, too late.

Part of the screening process for the clinic was a calcium load with a CT scan. My three main arteries are pretty severely blocked. The real method of checking for certain, however, is to have an angiogram (sp?) performed.

The local cardiologist here was not too inspiring, so I/we elected to travel to Spokane to go to the Heart Clninc there. I am leaving in a couple of hours, the tests will be done tomorrow about 14:00 hours, Pacific time.

Depending on what they find, I may get away with a stern warning 'bout my need for exercise, but my family practice doc (a personal friend) and the local heart guy strongly suspect other measures are in order. Given the way I feel of late, I tend to agree.

The possibilities mentioned range from angioplasty to stints, to cracking me like a walnut for open heart surgery. Needless to say I am a bit mopey.

I don't get enough exercise lately, but I also don't lead a crappy lifestyle, at least not too much of one. Little overweight, a half dozen cigars a year, seldom drink alcohol but suck down water like crazy, good dietary practices (usually). All the docs seem to agree that this is simply the luck of the draw and one of the culprits is hereditary issues. In any case, I would appreciate your prayer coverage. Not so much for me, but for my wife Natalia and our two small children. My boy Vinny turned six this past Christmas, my daughter Tatiana will be four this June.

I am an old fart for such young ones, but I dearly would like to be around them for awhile longer. Given the state of the art re: heart treatments, I am fairly sure that things will turn out OK regardless of what is found, but I still need/want prayer badly. Been hanging out with you fellows for a goodly long while now, so I figured y'all are the ones to ask, along with my other friends and family here and there abouts the country.

Hope I don't sound too depressing....


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