most first time buyers seldom stop at one...

by passing by, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 22:43 (3414 days ago) @ bj

Once they see the art, and once they see maybe something else might work even better for them. I am partial now to the below pictured big Buxton for any time or place which might turn into a "depend on knife for anything" situation, but for 99.9% of field knife uses, the far lighter and less bulky 5-6 or 1-7 hard to beat.

Blackjack tries to directly ape most every truly successful Randall design and makes no bones about it...EVERYbody copied Randall at one time or another. His lines are still original and fresh. Loveless started with Randall copies, Dozier, Ralph Bone etc etc and factory names such as SOG (which started as a sterile Japanese disposable Randall copy and morphed into many SF etc guys leaving Randalls safe in hooch and using the copies to trash regularly, and not because it was so good). Probably the most imitated and forged knife in world. Guy down in south FL does a brisk biz on ebay selling fake Randalls.

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