one of the best....i have one overdue...

by passing by, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 21:42 (3414 days ago) @ cubrock

They are 12 wks behind on 4 yr backlog due to losing a couple of guys (in a 12 man shop counting owner and sons and lady answering phone), should have been April and looking like June.

It will be impractical and plain....a base Model 1-8....but with monikers of last 4 Army units (limited room so just went with last 4 just like last combat unit patch is the last one on last uniform).

It will be special to me but will not mess up next owner with some dead stranger's name on their knife. Bunches of those vanities out there....whoever ends up with it will always think it neat and wonder whose was it, and given the Army's tendency to reassign units and reactivate units names/numbers, it will always be a mystery....heck, i got stumped trying to look them up and i was THERE.

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