same from early 70s now lives with friend...

by passing by, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 20:59 (3414 days ago) @ MR

Now THAT one is a graceful if cruder knife. Have had several "psuedo-Brads" minus compass or with brass guard and etc as users and this is first stainless user.

Great feeling knife, every one, their best all around daily driver serious knife, in stainless darned near a dive knife. Dirt poor student in a Sunday school class ended up with one, i told him no matter what else, NOBODY would ever have a better knife than his. He still treasures that thing years later.

I stayed away from compass again, but this time to keep handle trim, if you notice other pics posted they would definitely have needed to fatten the back to stuff a compass in there. Notice i avoided "butt" entirely for this sentence.

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