Ain't no such thing as 'the' Perfect Packing Pistol...

by Catoosa, Monday, December 01, 2014, 20:14 (3585 days ago) @ Brian A

I may be found carrying whatever I take a notion to at any particular time, but for the last couple of years the USUAL choice has been a 1991A1 Combat Commander .45 in a self-made pancake holster, strongside. Before I got the CC, I most often carried one of three Star BM 9mms in varying states of wear from nearly mint to almost no finish left. Those are still my "grabbit" guns, kept handy if I need one to stick in my waistband as I go out the door. I like revolvers, but the BMs are the easiest-carrying, most comfortable guns I have ever found, and they work just like a 1911 so the manual of arms is the same. Wish someone would start making them again.

Of course, a 442 is close by all the time, and even a Beretta 950BS for "formal" wear.....

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