Ain't no such thing as 'the' Perfect Packing Pistol...

by Brian A, Monday, December 01, 2014, 07:13 (3586 days ago)

I really enjoy seeing everyone's idea of what their PPP is, but do not believe I will ever settle on one for me, not sure I want to. It seems there are many candidates which are just right for certain circumstances, but not one for all seasons and reasons. Do carry every day and what gets carried, or even how, depends on the agenda for the day.

For the cooler months, daily concealed carry is a 2 1/2" S&W Model 19, loaded with +P 38 Specials with either 158 gr SWC or HP, usually carried strong side, behind the hip. During hunting season, the concealed carry choice is often a 5" 629 Classic in a horizontal shoulder holster, loaded with 20 gr of 2400 under a Hornady XTP. In warmer weather, the choice is usually a stainless 2" Rossi 38 special (S&W Mod 60 clone), loaded with 5 gr of Unique pushing a 148 gr WC, carried crossdraw IWB, or in a pocket holster. For those times when a 38 just seems too light, but a full 44 seems a bit too much, a 629 Mountain Revolver gets the nod, loaded with 8.0 gr of Unique pushing a 240 gr lead SWC, carried in whatever method works with the day's activities.

It is not unusual for me to carry multiple guns and even make other choices, but nothing gets carried until I am satisfied with it's reliability, effectiveness and method of carry. All guns with adjustable sights must be capable of shooting sub-2" groups in my hands with the loads carried at 25 yards. Fixed sight guns must be capable of consistently hitting a 6" gong at the same distance, even pocket guns. None are carried until 500 rounds have been put through them and they have proved their reliability and accuracy. I practice regularly with all carry choices made and recognize not all of them are capable of rapid deployment, but sometimes other factors weigh in favor of those chosen.

What are your ideas on packing a pistol and what makes your choices 'perfect'?

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