Ain't no such thing as 'the' Perfect Packing Pistol...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Monday, December 01, 2014, 10:40 (3586 days ago) @ Brian A
edited by Sarge, Monday, December 01, 2014, 13:50

Like many have said, it depends on where I'm headed for the day. Truthfully, if I need a little bitty gun then the LCP and a spare mag go in opposite pockets. If I'm headed to Indian Country, a Glock 30 and two 13 round mags accompany it.

But for all other occasions the old 4 5/8 Vaquero serves perfectly tucked in the waistband with the butt hanging over my belt, just left of the buckle, with a shirt tail or jacket hanging over it. I started carrying single actions like that 44 years ago and it is a natural state for me. These days, it rides in a modified Safariland 27 with the J-hook turned 45 degrees. Well enough in fact that I'm going to duplicate it with a purpose-built holster.

I think with minor mods, a Short New Vaquero in 45 Colt epitomizes the PPP.

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