I put the factory connector back in...

by rob @, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 23:30 (3660 days ago) @ Sarge

And this evening after getting off work I pulled it back down and stoned a few contact surfaces and rough edges. That smoothed it up considerably. I don't mind squishiness in a Glock as long as its a consistent pull. I've read multiple sources that say Gen-4 guns tend to have heavier trigger pulls and this is my second one confirming it for me at least. The second stage on this gun is clean and crisp...and heavy. Hard to shoot one handed without pulling the sights off when the trigger breaks. Its a bit better after some minor polishing (no .25 Cent Glock trigger job with a dremel for me LOL...Good grief, they polish the slide rails and locking block too for crying out loud!). I put a couple drops of Militec-1 on the key contacts points and after a couple hundred rounds down range and a couple thousand dry fires I'll lube it with some Tetra or Milcom-1 and see how it does. If it won't conform to me I may just have to conform to it, but I like the gun and intend to keep it. I'll save the 3.5# connector for another Glock down the road but it makes the second stage much heavier in this gun for some reason.

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