Ask and you shall receive....

by Otony, Sunday, August 17, 2014, 17:43 (3692 days ago) @ Byron
edited by Otony, Sunday, August 17, 2014, 19:03

Thank you, perfect information.

As it stands, we have two problem deer on our property right now, a buck with a doe, both very full bodied. Last year they completely devastated two cherry trees, and badly beat up three more. Since that is five trees out of an orchard of 150, I figure it could have been worse but I'm not giving them a chance this year.

So far, they have preferred to simply eat my melon plants and cucumbers, but as it cools and the garden disappears, I know apple and cherry trees are next on the menu. I visited Fish and Game and they are ready to issue deprivation tags. They don't simply figure the cost of a replacement tree, but also the the value of what it can be expected to yield over its productive life. I can make a claim against the State for total damages figured thusly, which is why they are so willing to issue tags.

There is one proviso, however. Because we are on 4 acres, and surrounded by small farms of similar size, I've been instructed to use either a bow or a shotgun. I've shot plenty of slugs, but have no experience in the real world with buckshot. And even though crossbows are not legal for hunting except as I noted in my previous post, this isn't really hunting per se. It is more like off the shelf pest harvesting. The deer will let me come as close as 10 yards away, regardless of how noisy or rambunctious I get. Fish and Game considers it a "grey area" but told me to proceed discretely.

Since I posted originally I found an extremely clean Excalibur Exocet 160 for a song. It is old, but was owned by the equivalent of the proverbial little old lady from Pasadena. Came with enough accoutrements to keep me busy for a bit. I'm going to try it out, and if it works out, will use it until it breaks, wears out, or something sexier comes along.


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