Ask and you shall receive....

by Byron, Sunday, August 17, 2014, 13:21 (3692 days ago) @ Otony

While I do not consider myself a "deer hunter", I do have a bit of experience in going to where they are and shooting them.

I bought a Barnett Predator some years ago and have killed a few whitetails with it.

Crossbows are handy but not magic. Crossbow bolts don't drop as fast as arrows but still drop at a rate that requires one to adjust for elevation for anything over 25 or 30 yards. They are loud...probably similar to a .22 rim fire rifle. They are expensive to maintain...strings last a couple of hundred rounds and bolts will ALWAYS disappear when shot in the woods. They are heavy and awkward to handle. They are very cool and fun.

Still, they fit my style of shooting deer. I sit in my deer condo and drink coffee and hope that the pesky deer do not bother me while I watch the sun come up.

Sometimes they get the best of me and I kill one or two.

So I do shoot a crossbow some and would love to visit with you and answer your questions. IMO they are no better and no worse that shooting deer with a .308 or a 70 lb compound bow.



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