I am just old fashioned...

by Brian A, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 08:26 (3716 days ago) @ cubrock

Have hunted with guys using Mossbergs and they all had problems with them, including having an 835 literally fall apart in a duck blind. They may be okay guns, but I will not depend my life on one.

I have used 870s, Ithaca 37s, Winchester Model 12s and 97s, for competition, duck hunting and general field use. All have malfunctioned at one time or another, for various reasons, but none ever put me out of commission and with no more than a few minutes of putzing were right back in the game. Several of these were guns made up from various parts scrounged around and slapped together.

My 870s see the most hard use any more because parts are easier to get, have had one fail to feed when the magazine spring got bound up on the follower, but within two minutes it was fixed. The 37s see the least because they just don't feel right to me. Have shot Model 12s the longest and have put a couple through absolute torture tests in the field. Had a couple of them drop overboard while duck hunting and had to fish them out of the muck and sand and weeds, rinsed them out good and kept hunting without a hitch.

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