I have an old Wingmaster

by cubrock, Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 07:37 (3717 days ago) @ cas

from the 50s or 60s that I got in an estate sale a couple years ago. Paid $150 for it and it looks like a $150 Wingmaster. Had a 30" fixed full choke barrel on it. I resisted the urge to cut it down. Last year, an LE friend had a parkerized 20" cylinder bore 870 barrel from his duty gun at a show behind his table. I asked about it and he said he wanted $50. Barrel was in excellent condition, but for some reason the department had changed the officers' patrol car barrels out to 14" and they let the officers buy the barrels cheap. I bought his barrel and put it on the Wingmaster. The parkerized finish actually goes pretty well with the worn blue on the Wingmaster. Bonus was it preserved the 30" barrel if I ever wanted to hunt with the gun. It is not every day you can pick up an old 870 for such a price.

I still have a hankering for a 590A1, though.

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