I've heard the exact opposite from some Army guys

by cubrock, Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 20:58 (3717 days ago) @ Drago

They loved their 590A1s and never had a problem. Maybe the Marines are harder on their shotguns. I bet the Marines would say it is because they use theirs.

Sounds like I'm not going to get any clear answer short of getting a 590A1 and running it through its paces alongside my 870. I didn't expect this to be as bad as .45 vs 9mm or 1911 vs Glock, but it would appear opinions run at least as strong in the shotgun world as they do in those other two debates. :)

I have 9s and .45s. I have Glocks and 1911s. I guess there is no reason not to add another such combo to the safe. The 870s are already at peace with the 500s beside them.

I appreciate everyone's observations!

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