No offence taken.......

by Byron, Thursday, July 10, 2014, 17:19 (3731 days ago) @ rob

Realistic training is the only way to program the instinctive response to stressful situations.

Without beating the old dead horse, everyone should read and take to heart Col Dave Grossman's books "On Combat" and "On Killing".

He is a (the) world renowned expert on the emotional and physical responses to violence. He has studied and referenced 100s of years of military history and how realistic training fundamentally changes ones behavior when faced with danger.

One of the most interesting aspects is the documented statistics that through WW2 only 20% of all combat troops actually could bring themselves to shoot at the enemy. Only 2 in 10 would shoot. The reason was that while they spent a great deal of time developing marksmanship skills they practiced at shooting at bulls eye's across a grassy field and just could not bring themselves to shoot another.

Study in force multipliers quickly showed that troops trained at shooting at lifelike targets in a more realistic format quickly programmed out that basic human instinct not to harm another and that the number that would engage went way up.

This change in training let to stats that in Korea half would shoot, in Viet Nam close to 75% and now almost all American combat troops will shoot if they get half a chance. This is through training that is not much difference than kids playing airsoft in the backyard or first person video shooter games.

FYI in my very limited experience, a amateur YMCA boxer who spars a bit on every week or two can knock most thugs stiff in a couple of seconds. The thug is mean and intent on harm but still know match.

Realistic training gives a one an advantage that cannot be denied.



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