Lighten up....

by Byron, Thursday, July 10, 2014, 09:24 (3731 days ago) @ Brian A

Sorry, but in my opinion you all need to just settle down and consider just what happened here.

The last thing that this guy expected was to be standing next to a bear killing a child and his mind simply couldn't get around it and he just quit thinking for a bit.

Even in low stress situations, people often forget how to do things that they think come naturally to them.

Watch most practical shooting games and you will regularly see guys do things that make no sense. They will hit the mag release when they want to drop the safety or pull the trigger when they want to put the safety on or all manner of odd things and I bet most of you have done the same. I know I have.

Unless one is REALLY trained up the stuff that seems to come naturally simply falls apart when things get scary. The only way around it is to train realistically enough and often enough the the body runs the gun on autopilot while the mind solves the problem at hand.

This is why force on force training is REQUIRED for one that carries a sidearm. Unless one has practiced moving and drawing while being shot at or pushed around they just won't know what to do when they are shot at or pushed around. One who says they are comfortable and 100% confident in their abilities is just fooling themselves and setting up for a real bad situation if things actually do go south.

Last weekend I watched my 15 year old son get centered with a burst out of a electric airsoft M4 and get hit square on the Adams apple and lower lip. You can be assured that it hurt a lot. He didn't miss a lick and finished the drill without a hitch. He has done this stuff thousands of times. Bad ass "gunfighters" have no chance against these teenagers who shoot it out with each other every weekend. Other boys who had not experienced this forgot which way was up when they were shot.

When faced with an unbelievable event, the man with the rifle forgot what to do. It happens to the best of us.

When faced with a real life and death problem, you don't rise to the occasion. You revert to your training.

Settle down and lighten up on the guy.


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