I'm not sure how I want to word this...

by rob @, Thursday, July 10, 2014, 12:51 (3731 days ago) @ Byron

I certainly don't want to offend anyone OR come across as a know it all. I think some force on force training can be beneficial, just as sparring is beneficial over simply shadow boxing or practicing martial arts moves by oneself. However, even sparring isn't real until the other guy is actually using lethal force to take you out or kill you. Force on force is still shooting people with non lethal plastic bb's and everyone going into it knows it's not lethal. Getting shot in the lip with a bb isn't a fight stopper, but depending on the angle, with a .22 LR it's lights out. You're not gonna keep shooting it out and emptying your 9mm after taking a real hit to the cns like they do with BB guns. Gabe always says no one has any rounds left in their gun after a force on force drill proving that hi capacity is important...at least that was his last doctrine before I finally blew him off as nothing but a salesman (but I digress). Yeah!!! You have no rounds left, because it's bb's and not terminal. There is a huge difference between kids shooting each other with BB guns and a grown man (or kid these days) who has no moral reservation about drilling your head with a bullet and never thinking twice as well as those who carry guns for law enforcement or defense...some of who can and will do what they must when the ball drops and some who, no matter how much training, believe they can, but won't. Just my take.

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