Little Clarifcation added

by Gary G, Thursday, May 29, 2014, 21:31 (3773 days ago) @ Gary G

OK ,ALOT of times I do NOT have time to turn on a GPS and wait for it to load and then set a Waypoint (where I parked the truck)

They are constantly cutting timber which means new logging roads. And Topos just do not update enough.

What I need (in my opinion based on what I do not know if it even exist)
Is a unit I can turn on and it will show me a photo of where I am. (Once I look at photo of map I know instantly where I parked.) And will in a few steps have me in the correct direction back to my vehicle.

Hope that gives a more clear idea of what I need,,,,Does it exist?

Thanks for your patience in my ignorance.

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