GPS question

by Gary G, Thursday, May 29, 2014, 19:37 (3773 days ago)

Hello folks,,,,We visited this a year or so ago and I got a smart phone which takes care of 99 percent of my needs BUT.

If you use the GPS on the smartphone looking at the google Earth screen when walking...The arrow does not work and you have to go by the blue dot itself.
So you have to walk a good distance to see yourself move...And that means sometimes in the wrong direction till you can tell which way you are going.

My question is...Using the hiking style of GPS and using the Earth Screen can you see yourself move short distances at slow speeds?

As some of you know I hunt in Pine Plantations and once you get in overhead growth you have few reference points...And running in the woods at night to catch a hunting dog in thick cover. I have had a time or two I got far enough away from truck I could not see lights on truck after catching dogs. Would be nice to have a more precise back up than phone.

Thanks Friends.

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