GPS question

by brionic @, Thursday, May 29, 2014, 21:01 (3773 days ago) @ Gary G

Google Earth would NOT be my app of choice in your situation.

There are plenty of alternative apps that allow you to create tracks, to preplan routes, and even to import various maps from outside sources, including Google Earth.

Another concern is digital signal usage. Google Earth eats phone power like a hungry teenager eats breakfast cereal, especially when the signal is week. Maybe this isn't an issue, but my phone has croaked at inopportune moments afield due to the phone looking for a cell tower.

Handheld units utilize preloaded maps rather than depending on digital service to deliver the maps, which the OS then has to draw. Again, maybe not an issue for you on an evening hunt and depending on your location. I'm looking at handhelds this summer, though, after being let down last autumn, due largely to iOS 7's power management issues.

Hope that helps, and that I didn't open too many cans of wormage.

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