re: the Dalai Lama

by SubDoc, Monday, March 03, 2014, 17:42 (3861 days ago) @ brionic

In 1990, I was attending the University of Colorado in Boulder. My wife, daughter and I lived in Campus family housing which is located at 20th and Marine street. Our parking was located directly behind the Naropa Institute of Enlightenment, now called Naropa University.

One early fall afternoon, I go home from class and noticed all the parking was filled up with Mercedes Benz, Cadillac and Lincolns. As I watched two large limousines drove up and parked across the visitor spots. Our climbs a couple big guys, bodyguard types then Richard Gere then Cindy Crawford and another unknown guy. They walk over to the other limo and wait for the occupants to unass the limo. Again, two big dudes and a small well dressed guy and another small, shaven headed guy in robes.

I was pissed that I had no place to park and none of these vehicles belonged here. I called the number on the sign that warns about unauthorized parking. Sure enough 20-25 minutes and 3 beers later the tow trucks pull up and a huge beef ensues. The big, body guard guys are trying to convince the tow company not to tow because the vehicles belong to Gere and the Dali Lama.

The Lama was speaking at Naropa. Fortunately for me the vehicles were not towed.
Otherwise I may not have complete consciousness on my death bed!

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