Interesting point of view from the Dalai Lama

by brionic @, Sunday, March 02, 2014, 18:59 (3861 days ago)

I share this here under the assumption that you all will understand that we - our family - are in a "seek enlightenment" phase that is not limited by our traditional beliefs. We are not turning our back on our heritage - but seeking to supplement, and thereby, strengthen our spirits.

Anyway, disclaimer aside, we rolled up to Minneapolis to hear remarks by the Dalai Lama at the Nobel Peace Conference. The conference is the only Nobel-associated program conducted outside Scandinavia, to my understanding. I will admit some trepidation. Grass eaters aplenty, and believe you me, that's a BIG understatement. The scent of patchouli hung heavily in the air.

So the Dalai Lama opened the conference with his keynote address, which was terrific. He truly is a simple monk, which, by my way of thinking, is a virtue. Although his remarks were thought provoking and enjoyable, I will include only this:

He was asked, "How can we love those who intend us harm?"

His response was that although they are our brother and sister humans, we must teach them a lesson as correction of their erroneous course, without hate but with concern for their interpretation of the lesson. Makes sense to me.

And he remarked on a conversation he'd enjoyed with a Cuban refugee who'd said that out of concern for his friends, loved ones, and nation, he hoped that "God would help Fidel Castro get into heaven as soon as possible."

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