He is an interesting dude...

by Charles, Monday, March 03, 2014, 10:50 (3861 days ago) @ brionic
edited by Charles, Monday, March 03, 2014, 12:32

who has spent his life in study, contemplation and teaching. A fellow who does that should have something to say worth listening to. I have heard him speak as well.

But at the end of the day Buddhism is any of it's varieties is not religion but a form of self help philosophy. It is not God who will show the way, but man who will find the way, to whatever is out there. In the mind of Buddha, there is probably a God, but he is too busy with his own stuff to spend time messing around with mankind and their issues. We have to go it alone.

As a committed Christian, I find that basic approach unacceptable. Buddhism has something to say about understanding yourself, but very little about understanding God.

If all we have, is what we see in the mirror every morning, that is a scary thought to me. I don't want to have to go it alone, for that is a loosing battle. I want God actively on my side, not just rooting for me, but helping me day by day, minute by minute.

I don't need enlightenment, I need help!

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