Full-time business, if I can ever finish building my

by John K., Thursday, February 27, 2014, 08:12 (3865 days ago) @ Slow Hand

new shop. Paperwork is all complete. The entire process has been an epic adventure with the ATF being the easiest and fastest part. State and county had no idea how to license.

But the largest delay was construction - we have had more rain last year (75") than anyone can remember. No one wants to stick a concrete truck. Wife and I put the 40'x80' metal building up ourselves so that was slow also. Working on interior framing now with final wiring and HVAC still to complete.

Good idea on the old FH as part of the assembly. How do you plan on maintaining concentricity with the bore?

Did you know the Feds are considering requiring Trusts to have background checks and LE approval? The checks aren't a big deal, but in some counties LE approval is a no-go.

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