Doug, I think that was Paul that helped with ST.

by John K., Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 09:51 (3866 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Second, on your recently posted Ruger, did you F1 that as a thread on can or integral? If integral, did you list a barrel length? I'm getting ready to F1 the can for my .300 blk and I didn't know if I should build it as a separate suppressor then permanently attach it to my short barrel, bringing it up over 16", or have the paperwork show it as all one piece. If I build it as an integral, do I put a barrel length on the F1? My barrel is only 8 1/2", but with the can permanently attached, it'll be over 16. I'm guessing since it's permanent I should put the 16"+ measurement on both the barrel length and OAL?

Thanks for any advice.

Mine are all Form 2s... have an 07/02 FFL.

That Ruger is registered as an integral. Listed the OAL of the receiver with tube attached and left the barrel length blank on the F2. With a stand-alone can, leave barrel length blank and list tube length. One aside here - stand-alone silencer length. Be sure and list maximum length as the ATF will allow some shortening for repairs and such, but will not allow lengthening as this constitutes "making" another tube. Replacement tubes require another stamp as the ATF has decided that is the fundamental part of the silencer. So for stand-alone cans, go as long as you think you might need on the form - final product can be shorter, but never longer.

With rifles, as you know, the barrel must be 16" or you are in SBR territory.

Couple of ways you can do this - you can build the can integral to this barrel with a permanent attachment to ensure 16" - blind pin/weld, etc. In this case, the 8.5" doesn't matter as the "barrel" is 16"+ for NFA purposes. In this case, "type of firearm" is "silencer" and "model" is "integral" or "INTEG" on eForms. "Barrel length" is blank, and "OAL" is the length of what we would call barrel assembly. (If you have a trust, you can file a Form 1 via eForms. Individuals cannot as they must mail in fingerprints and pics)

Second, you can build this as a stand-alone can. F1 it as a "silencer" and list OAL of the can itself. Avoid the SBR tax by making some sort of handguard/shroud and permanently attach that to the 8.5" barrel by blind pin/welding to keep the "barrel" 16"+. The ID of this tube would be slightly larger than the OD of your can.

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