John K

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 04:52 (3866 days ago)

First off, thanks for the help with registering on Silencer Talk.

Second, on your recently posted Ruger, did you F1 that as a thread on can or integral? If integral, did you list a barrel length? I'm getting ready to F1 the can for my .300 blk and I didn't know if I should build it as a separate suppressor then permanently attach it to my short barrel, bringing it up over 16", or have the paperwork show it as all one piece. If I build it as an integral, do I put a barrel length on the F1? My barrel is only 8 1/2", but with the can permanently attached, it'll be over 16. I'm guessing since it's permanent I should put the 16"+ measurement on both the barrel length and OAL?

Thanks for any advice.

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