When I see a news report of some devastating...

by pokynojoe, Thursday, February 20, 2014, 14:14 (3872 days ago) @ Hoot

storm or fire, and it shows the poor people standing and staring at a hole in the ground that was once their home, I often wondered how I'd feel should something like that happen to me. When I was younger, I should think I'd feel total despair, now, I'm not so sure that I wouldn't feel liberated.

My wife and I recently took stock of everything we'd accumulated and the value of such, the last 35 years. It turns out, there isn't much I would miss losing, except those things which are irreplaceable anyway. Really and truly, homeowners insurance would replace those things I could care less about. My wife is always teasing me saying that if it was up to me, I wouldn't own anything more than I could fit in the trunk of my car.

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