
by JLF @, Thursday, February 20, 2014, 11:42 (3872 days ago) @ Hoot

Depending on the value of all your guns, sometimes a company will want a rider, or adendum on your homeowner's policy to cover the guns. It's the same with jewelery, paintings, or whatever. For a rider, you indeed have to list all the covered guns, with a photo or description, and serial number. But... It's usually up to you, and how you approach the subject of guns with the agent. "I have a few guns" is not usually enough to require a rider.

I had standard homeowner's insurance with no rider, with Farm Bureau. I got burgled, and lost seven handguns. I called my agent, and all he did was ask for a list with descriptions. And since I was a gun dealer, he let *me* do the appraisal! I didn't hijack them, but I did appraise them at retail. Bada-bing, bada-boom, a check in the mail for the full amount. I'm pretty partial to Farm Bureau.:)


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