That is it exactly, Bob.....

by Otony, Sunday, January 26, 2014, 14:31 (3897 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

.......when I grab the grip and try to mount it I feel like I'm wrestling the thing into place. I have to consciously push it forward to clear my side and elbow. Mebbeso the length of pull is too long, likely the rear grip/trigger is simply too far forward.

I figure a body could adjust, but it can't do more than what a short .44 magnum lever action can accomplish except weigh more and throw lead faster.

First fellow that makes me a reasonable trade offer gets it, otherwise it is off to Gunbroker.

For those who might be interested, I need (heh-heh) a right hand .257 Roberts bolt action for the kids. Would also like another 10mm 1911, preferably with a ramped barrel. A Colt New Agent would be cool, or a Springfield Armory EMP in 9mm. A late model 629, just before the lock, would be tempting as well. A .45ACP resolver would be excellent, especially a New Vaquero or Flattop.

So. Little. Time.......


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