Oh yes, no doubt.....

by Otony, Saturday, January 25, 2014, 22:41 (3898 days ago) @ cubrock

........I just can't get over this guy. He swapped a NIB high gloss Python two weeks ago, at a local gun show. Came home with the Thompson and the AK. I know he bought the Python for a significant sum, close to 2700 clams. At best, the Thompson and the AK total out to around 2000, but he has been making Thompson noises for a year or better, so I figure if he has what he wants, okay, what the heck. I now he wanted an AK as well, so it's all good, as they say.

Two weeks later, I have the Thompson and he has the AK and the 700, so boom, over half his original investment gone in the blink of an eye. This is a constant scenario with him, he buys one or two guns a month, then sells or swaps same for significantly less. Both of us in the shop have spoken to him about it, but he seems happy as a lark about the whole thing. So, yeah, good trade for me, but still strange in the grand scheme of things.

Around this time last year he dragged in two unopened tins of 7.62x25 Tok ammo. I'm sure he picked it up when it was dirt cheap, but he asked for a hundred bucks to sell it to me. I told him I would list it on GB for him instead, and ended up with over 400 dollars which I handed to him. He was shocked, not that I got that much, but that I would do that. Understand, this was not a shop deal. Just an exchange between acquaintances. Apparently his view of the natural order of things is to buy high and sell low. Now I have done that a few times myself, out of ignorance or enthusiasm, but I typically don't make a habit of it. Least ways I hope not!


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