Made an interesting swap today......

by Otony, Saturday, January 25, 2014, 22:07 (3898 days ago)

......a regular customer walks into the shop and takes a look at a Remington 700 I had on the rack (my gun, just thinning the herd). He allows as he he would really, really like to own it. I tell him 600 bucks will make that dream come true. He says he would like to swap instead, am I interested?

"Well, I might be, whadda ya got?" all the while thinking what a fun job I have. Little did I know!

He walks out to his jeep and hauls in a very nice AK with a folding stock, plus a few extras. I ooh and aah over it a bit, but finally tell him I am not in the AK market. He says "Wait, I got sumpin' else in the rig."

A couple of minutes later he lays a hard case on the counter, flips it open, and there lays a newish Windham Weaponry AR15, sporting a Primary Arms red dot and some sort of wondrous 4-rail forend. "Straight swap." he declares. Hmm, this is getting interesting. I inform him that while it is a very appealing rifle, I have several ARs, don't much need another. That gets me a "humph", and I figure we are through for the day. But no, he drags yet ANOTHER hard case from the jeep and triumphantly announces this is his final offer.

I eyeball the case, which has Thompson emblazoned on the outside. I'm thinking "No way." when he pulls out a clean Auto-Ordnance M1 from a fitted case. Inside the case are three 30-round mags, nestled in their own little cutouts, along with a spare foregrip (vertical), an uninstalled Cutts Compensator, the standard cocking handle (there is an extended handle on the gun), and a nice sling. This is one of the aluminum framed models, so actually reasonable in heft.

"So" I ask, "What are we doing here?"

He replies, "My gun for yours!"

Honestly, I'm not interested in the Thompson, so I tell him it is a really lopsided trade, he should sell his gun, buy mine, and pocket the difference. Nope, he isn't having that, he wants my Remmie, BAD. Now this fellow buys and then trades guns faster than a lot of folks change socks, so I'm used to this sort of behavior, but I still try to talk him out of the idea. No, no, he insists, lets swap. So laying on the floor here at the house is an albatross. Guess I'll list it on Gunbroker but, man, what a strange trade......


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