I think it was Clay Allison

by Charles, Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 13:36 (3964 days ago) @ Harry O-1

that when asked why he carried a gun all the time, replied: "I don't need it very often, but when I do, I need it pretty damn bad."

I carry a Glock 19 on the belt in a good fitting slide type holster. I wear a large open overshirt and the Glock conceals very well.

Even so, I would have let the guy have my $80.00, but if it looked like something more than a simple stick up and I could see he was distracted for just a second, I think I could have come out on top.

If ever we need the gun we carry, we need to stack the odds in our favor as best we can. I also carry a Ruger LPC in my weak side pants pocket if case somebody grabs my gun hand, I can have a surprise for him with the other hand.

If ever I need my carry weapon, I need it right damn now and not after a series of moves to present it and get a round in the chamber. Draw..aim/point..fire! is all I am interested in.

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