Rob's p-holsters work. Have had ol'442 &/or M's 632.....

by John Meeker @, Friday, November 15, 2013, 10:08 (3969 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

as daily companions, since a rough patch a few years back. Lots of dry firing with good snap caps and slicky-lube -- you'll be snapping them off from a draw to center of mass in no time at all. Play around with different grips and Tyler' T's until you get one that nestles in every time you grab it. Buffalo Bore loads for LW J's, too.

Also, if you can get an alloy frame, do so. They are quite durable, and noticeably lighter. I also use a Barami Hip-grip for the door-answer-er. Handy to tuck,and almost invisible under a blouse'd shirt.

And, yes, I do have a few 'real' guns for formal wear, and know that I should be carrying the full boat all the time. Mostly depends on my destination, tho. NOT approved, I know, but...the gun you have with you and can instantly use with full confidence of hits, is better than a bigger piece left at home.

The bestest 'J' -- that hammerless little cannon in .357. Not because I NEED the round, but because everyone I've been allowed to shoot, has been extraordinarily accurate WITH the full-power rounds, It's on my very short list. " really recoils THAT bas? Tell ya what, I've got a nice...blah-blah guntrade." ;~`)

Happy for your escape from harm...been in same situation. Once, with me unarmed and three masked gunnies. After that, knew I was being assessed for further crime in the little ol' ghetto lock/hardware store. No more robberies tho -- being armed and confident says a lot in body language, to dudes who read that script very well.

Now? I'm werry werry caweful..werry.

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