I did something really, really stupid last week......

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, November 16, 2013, 18:53 (3968 days ago) @ Harry O-1

I've been cogitating on this since you posted. It brought to mind a late night walk down one of our main avenues years ago. At that time of night there's no one around, usually, and we'd walk the dog last thing before turning in after an evening calling/teaching/etc. It was somewhere around midnight and up the avenue a ways I saw a guy that "didn't fit". I told my wife to cross behind me to where I'd be between her and the guy and I passed my cane (always carried when walking the dog, for use in dealing with other canines mostly) to my left hand. The guy walked up to a few feet from us - with my eyes on his face the whole way, and asked "Would you give me a coin?" to which I answered "No sir, I give money to no one. Have a good night." He passed on by and I turned slightly to keep him in view for a ways. My wife said, "Did you see that knife?" to which I replied, "Yes." - but I'd not seen it enough to ID it other than a long object in his hand. Her crossing behind me signaled that we were aware of our surroundings. Shifting the cane indicated readiness, albeit he had no way of knowing readiness for what. Watching his face/eyes signaled lack of fear. All together he got the message - there's bound to be more willing victims down the road.

Polite refusal to bow before such demands is something most crooks aren't sure how to react to. They are conditioned to think that everyone is a victim ready to roll over, and when they don't then the perp isn't sure what to do - unless they've crossed the bridge where they are willing to take a life for no reason. Looks like your guy fits that category.

When the guys got us the PPPPPP I had to make some conscious decisions as to manner of dress. Rob's pancake makes for a handy concealed carry piece - but it has to go under an untucked shirt or coat/vest/jacket. So my mode of dress/wardrobe has had a complete makeover. Sometimes I'll use appendix carry or IWB, but both of those dictate a cover garment also. For me it's worth the effort.

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