Seriously good rifle cartridge. It's been my "aint playin"

by John K., Friday, October 18, 2013, 16:30 (3997 days ago) @ Jared

rifle since '89.

I have had good luck with AA2015, even tho it is a bit on the fast side for this. RL15, H335, and WC844 are all good also. Mine's the AI version.

My favorite load was the 250gr Barnes X-bullet but they quit making it years ago. Took a lot of tinkering to get it sorted out (early X-bullets could bite ya) but found a good load at 2650fps. Still have a hundred or so saved up for something.

Nowadays I mostly shoot the 225gr Ballistic Tip at 2750fps.

Jared, you mentioned flyers. Are you using formed '06 or factory 35W brass? Some necks on formed '06 cases stretch unevenly and are thicker on one side than the other. They shot poorly.

I know I've posted this a million times, but here it is again: :-D



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