In Ak and ID AZ that is legal. Who knows in Colorado?

by uncowboy, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 13:04 (4017 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Funny here in NJ YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED. First by the police second by the fish and game. I know you did the right thing. Thursday I ran over a opossum in the work van , I stopped and backed up to see if it was dead it was only crippled so I ran it over again to stop the suffering, The rest of the night I was expecting to be pulled over for killing it intentionally, I am sure someone saw it they would have called the pd. I have a retired cop friend who said he killed 50 deer with his flashlight. He said if I shoot one I spend 1 day doing paperwork. If hunting and you wound a deer at last light you are not aloud to finish it off or you will be charged with hunting at night. If you have a light (who wouldn't) you will be charged with jacklighting. NO COMON SENCE.

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