Had to put a buck down yesterday

by Fowler, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 10:15 (4017 days ago)

The family and I were coming out of a small amusement park utside Golden and there was a parking jam at the exit. We sorted out there was a very fresh accedent right in front of us and was able to just go around it. Well the guy had hit a 4x4 mule deer buck that was very much still alive but hurt very bad in the middle of the road. I whipped the car around and asked the wife if I should put it down. She said if you have the means (still doesn't realize there is always a gun on me) so a I pulled over and got out. Two or three women were screaming at the man for hitting the deer and traffic was pretty busy but I just walked over to the deer, and made sure I had a safe angle drew my Les Baer and put one in the top of the deers scull and dragged it off the road so no one else would hit it.

There was no question that the deer needed to be put down but in front of my family (the 5 year old doesn't fully understand what happened), in front of passing cars and other people leaving the park leaves me questioning it some. I talked to the guys in the vehicle who had hit it they thanked me, they were southern boys who understood what happened but had called the cops already. I just told them I was never there and he said the cops were coming so get out of there.

So we left and that was the end of it, I don't know what was legal or not exactly but I know it was the right thing to do, just messy with too many people watching who may or may not understand what was going on. I have Donald to do it twice before and never doubted my actions for even a second, but they were on rural roads without car after car full of families coming from a day of fun watching it. I don't know why I am second guessing what I did...

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