This is NOT a criticism, I think you were right but...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 11:30 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler
edited by Hobie, Wednesday, October 02, 2013, 23:32

I know of a Pastor, a VaARNG Officer who has a felony conviction for doing just that. He did not realize he was on a school's property when he did it as he was physically far removed from the school building... The cop COULD have ignored it but wouldn't. That officer is now gone from that force.

PS - to my mind this is just more evidence that the world is turned upside down. I hope that you suffer no consequence for your choice.

PPS - I need to note that he was on school property, inside the city limits, within 100 yards of a roadway and a house. ALL of these are illegal here.



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