Tripp magazines are good, no doubt

by FOG, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 16:11 (4060 days ago) @ rob

The thing I probably like best about the Wilson 47C is that it's easier to take apart.

Same goes for the 1911 itself: It's still an 'easy' pistol for me to properly maintain.

I can deal with welded magazines if I have to − and I have two (LOL) − but for everyday 'range use' I prefer a detachable base plate, and the Low-Profile Wilson is about as slim as they get.

They might not do so well down South, though. They're blued carbon steel, so corrosion might be a problem in more humid climates.

I've considered hard-chroming some of mine, but the one and only time I sent parts off for plating I forgot all about it...

Musta been the Desert Heat or something. :-D


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