I'm no expert, but that looks like a pretty new one

by FOG, Thursday, August 15, 2013, 12:57 (4062 days ago) @ rob

If memory serves, that's the so-called New Roll Mark, and while they're all 'good', most seem to agree that Colt QC in the 21st Century has it all over the 1980s. In other words, 'newer is better' when it comes to the Series 80 guns.

In addition, the Series 80 system is generally considered to be the 'best' (most 'reliable') of the firing pin safeties for the 1911. Like many, I prefer the Series 70 system, but in a stainless gun like yours it's arguably worth the 'trade-off'.

Otherwise, I don't suppose you need any pointers, but since you've been shooting SIGs for a while, what the heck.

Mostly, give the gun a chance:
• Get some GOOD hardball-equivalent ammo (or load some)
• Get some GOOD magazines (I prefer and mainly use Wilson 47Cs equipped with Tripp 'Super 7 Upgrade Kits')

If it works with that, you're undoubtedly on your way! :-)


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