Rule #9.

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Monday, June 03, 2013, 00:51 (4136 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Don't shoot a cap & ball .44 into a junkpile that might contain an old 10" sewer elbow. You'll ruin a good set of size 30 Levis and have to explain your limp for awhile.

Don't shoot a frozen tree with 246 grain RNL, from the first-ever .44 Special Bulldog in Morgan County, MO. A fella carried that slug on his keychain after it bounced off my noggin'. And I didn't even get a damned T-shirt.

Never, ever shoot any kind of snake load at plywood from less than 50 feet away.

Life's been good to me so far... probably because my Momma prayed a lot.

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