Took a ricochet from a bullet fired at a bowling pin

by Scribe, Sunday, June 02, 2013, 13:02 (4137 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

From a Colt .45 Combat Master, 185 hollowpoint. Smacked me in the face, got stitches at the local hospital.

Cops had to make an appearance because it was gunshot wound. They were convinced i was making up a story to protect a shooting buddy who had accidentally shot me.

There was a witness, but he had long taken off by the time they got to the range.

I met him a week later and didn't recognize him. He had seen the whole thing. Who trained me? he asked. He asked because he saw laod the gun, fire a couple of rounds then rear back suddenly. "You dropped the clip, racked the slide back, put the gun on the ground with the barrel facing the targets, grabbed your face with both hands and started screaming!" Then he added, "whoever trained you did a good job. You made the gun safe before took care of yourself."

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