The men and women of what was once The Empire...

by John Meeker @, Friday, May 31, 2013, 12:17 (4139 days ago) @ Hoot

are prob'ly glad they didn't live long enough to associate with the present so-called British citizen. The hoplophobic [thank you, Col Cooper]attitude has migrated here in the so-called educated classes and do-gooder mice for quite a while. Once in a Wash DC. conservation class, [rarefied sub-culture for sure] - a knife or tool was needed to prod a recalcitrant slide in the lecturer's projecter. Produced the required, passed it back, and a self-righteous feminine gasp said, "THAT"S NOT A KNIFE THAT"S A WEAPON!!!

I replied to her about like like, "They're real handy for opening heavy feed sacks, while your other hand is holding them up Good for binder twine on bales, too."

Waste of breath....every damn one of them should have to work a week baling and handling and storing hay, mucking out the shix-chute behind the milkers, laboring on a building site, and otherwise working at dirty sweating tasks, that contained some element of personal hazard if one was careless, required tool usage, and had stuff what needed cutting RIGHT NOW -- in the normal course of the day. Dream on, eh?

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